Outreach Services Team
St. Charles Outreach Services Team ministers to both local Wisconsin communities and abroad, organizing events and programs that bring together volunteers of all ages to engage in projects that better the living, learning, and general condition of all! Through events such as the monthly Bread of Life Community Meal, the seasonal gift and clothing drives, and grander projects such as funding and building a new chapel for the church community of La Sagrada Familia in the Dominican Republic, there are many ways to become involved. For more information about specific events or to become involved, please contact Terri Blazek, Outreach Services Team Chairperson, at jtblazek@wi.rr.com or 262-367-7608.
Opportunities to become involved as a volunteer to help those of the St. Charles Parish community include becoming involved in ministries such as the Meals to the Homebound, the Hospitality Ministry, or by volunteering at seasonal church events such as Fall Fest. For more information about service opportunities at St. Charles Parish, please call the Parish Office at 262-367-0800.
Bread of Life Meal - Monthly Community Meal at St. Charles
Once a month, St. Charles Parish is the host for a free community meal for seniors and others. Volunteers are needed to greet people as they enter, serve refreshments, wash dishes, set-up and tear-down the event.
Times: various times and duties from 3-7 pm
Outreach Services Team Meeting
Come join our team as we discuss upcoming events and activities. Get an understanding of what it is like to become involved in the preparation behind our many volunteer opportunities. Offer your services or just come to learn more about each activity. They are held on a Monday evening quarterly. Contact humanconcerns@stcharleshartland.org to be included in the meeting.
The next meeting is on February 17th at 7:00 pm in the Old Chapel.
Everyone is welcome to join us for the meeting.
Knitting & Crochet Ministry
Follow Jesus and clothe the naked by joining our ministry on the 1st and 3rd Wednesdays, 10 am at St. Charles. Bring your yarn, knitting or crochet hook to create hats, mittens, scarves, baby items and prayer shawls for our neighbors in need. Call the parish office or email us for more information at humanconcerns@stcharleshartland.org.
Cookbook Sale
The cookbook has over 200 recipes from fellow parishioners. It's a great way to support St. Charles' Outreach Services Team and all the great ways they support and serve our community! To purchase a cookbook, please click here.
Rosemary's Mission - Shelter Meals
We have increased our partnership role with this program serving men, women and families who are homeless in the Waukesha County area.
We prepare meals for 2 shelter locations in the City of Waukesha; Juno & Siena Houses. Please help by donating meal items. Drop them off in the Borromeo Room kitchen before or after mass on Saturday or Sunday. Go to the following link for information.
Meal delivery drivers needed. Mondays and Fridays with some flexibility. And/or if you are interested in providing a meal in a 13 x 9 pan for the shelters, please call Ann Hansen at 920-763-4773.
Jim Luther New Hope Center (Formerly St. Anthony's Food Pantry)
Come and join us in the distributing of food to families of our Sister School, St. Anthony's, on the south side of Milwaukee. Once a week we will visit and bring along donations for their pantry.
See the following link for more information and to register.
St. Charles Church east parking lot.
Look for Terri Blazek near her car.
Hope Center Meal Program
Located in downtown City of Waukesha, the Hope Center serves meals to those barely getting by with little or no income. Some attendees are homeless and are out on the street or in a shelter. Monthly our Outreach Group serves and cleans up after a meal. If you would like to assist please register below. NEW LOCATION: The Hope Center is located 101 W. Broadway (the old Chase Bank Building), Waukesha.
February 1 Sign-up
Mentorship Workshop Meal
Getting Ahead is a Mentorship program spearheaded by the St. Vincent de Paul - Waukesha Council. These 16 week programs are designed to encourage people to move themselves forward in life in a positive direction. We are one of the various organizations who assist by preparing a meal for one of the workshops. This is made the day of their workshop in the Borromeo Room kitchen. Help is needed in the kitchen to prepare these "to go" boxed type of meals.
Spring 2025 date coming soon!
Brat Shack Fundraiser at Piggly Wiggly
We serve brats, burgers and hot dogs as well as a baked goods at the Piggly Wiggly Brat Shack to raise funds. All profits went to help purchase supplies for our many Outreach activities. This is an annual activity and we welcome all to volunteer to help cook, serve, make baked goods, set-up or clean-up and tear down.
2025 date to be determined!
Communion & Prom Clothing Drives for St. Anthony's School - 9th and Mitchell
MARCH 18 & 19
Our Outreach Services Team is collecting gently-used First Communion and Prom clothing to help make these days extra special for the students at our sister parish St. Anthony's in Milwaukee. All sizes and lengths are welcome. A clothing rack will be in the church narthex the weekend of March 18 & 19 for you to hang your clothing donations before/after all Masses.
Thank You for Supporting Our Mission Chapel
The words, "Thank you" can not fully convey the message from Fr. Javier Guativa regarding the welcome given him during his recent visit. Speaking about our Parish's Mission Chapel, Our Lady of Lourdes in the Dominican Republic, he hoped he conveyed what life is like for our fellow parishioners. As Fr. Ken stated, we should not only build a new church here in Hartland we should also build one for those without one. Through our financial support, the villagers of Canada de Piedra, not only have a place for worship, it also serves as a meeting place for religious events, educational gatherings and a refuge from storms (it has already been a shelter during 2 recent hurricanes).
St. Charles' Outreach Services Team, who sponsored this event, will continue as our connection to them and will communicate future updates. An upcoming mission trip to include our parishioners and teen groups is in the planning. In addition to this ministry, the Outreach Services Team serves those in need in and around our community. As well as coordinating our support of our partner school, St. Anthony's School on the south side of Milwaukee.
If you wish to know more about this Team and their activities, please contact Terri Blazek at 262-367-7608 or jtblazek@wi.rr.com.
Keep the people in our mission parish in your daily prayers. See the prayer in the upper right of this webpage inside the yellow box.
Ronald McDonald House Lunch-to-go Program
Our meals program has been cancelled at this time. If you wish to support this organization they suggested grocery store gift cards are helpful. Purchase from our Scrip program and St. Charles earns a portion of your purchase too. Please send them to our St. Charles Outreach Coordinator for this program and she will get them to Ronald McDonald House.
Julie Heyrman
N61 W27293 Trappers Run
Sussex, WI 53089
Archdiocesan 175th Anniversary
The Outreach Team appreciates all who donated products for the Archdiocesan 175th Anniversary Care Bundles project, as well as helped to assemble them Monday night. We had 3 carloads of product! And we had over a dozen parishioners join in the bundling event at St. Jerome's. We can not put into words how amazed and humbled we are at the efforts from the many St. Charles parishioners who went shopping for these items. The bundles were delivered to Catholic Charities Tuesday morning for distribution to their clients. Thank you so very much!
Bread of Life Meal Vaccinations Offered in Fall
After one of our Bread of Life meals in Fall, come and get vaccinated for the upcoming season. Once again Hartland's own, Hometown Pharmacy, will be at St. Charles in the new Borromeo Hall. The Flu and Covid-19 vaccines will be available. Bring along your insurance, Covid19 Vaccination and/or Medicare cards.