
Electronic - Offertory and New Church

One of the easiest ways to support St. Charles Parish and School is through the secured online e-Giving system. The link provided below leads to the donation website. The process of setting up an e-Giving Account should take 5 to 10 minutes. If you are a new giver, simply register for an account through the website. Whether giving once or multiple times, instructions will be provided on how to navigate the website. Thank you for your generosity!

e-Giving Website

Envelope - Offertory

Offertory envelopes are available upon request through the Parish Office and are sent quarterly to your home. You may drop off or mail your donation to the Parish Office or drop it in the offertory basket during Mass.


  • What is offertory?
    • Offertory is your monetary donation to the operation of the parish.  You may pledge annually for your support through envelope or electronic (e-giving) giving.  Pledging is crucial for St. Charles to develop a practical annual budget.  You may also offer cash or check in the weekly collection.

  • Why should I give?
    • To support God’s mission for St. Charles through supporting facility operations and the educational and outreach services provided by your parish.

  • Can I deduct my offerings?
    • Annual statements of all donations registered by the church are mail by early February.  You may use this statement to file for any tax allowance as allowed by the US tax code.